Thursday, September 22, 2016


It seems I have in surplus,
But I've truly none to spare.
'Cause deep inside my narrow heart,
I simply do not care.

You're asking for assistance,
For rescue from your woe.
And so you bother me again,
I do not wish to go.

Can't you see I'm busy?
Go and call somebody else.
I have better things to do,
Like sit here by myself.

Try to teach what can't be taught
I'm talking to myself for naught.
Mercy vast as ocean,
And I've only got a drop.

Monday, September 19, 2016


I'd trade with you dude in a sec,
I'd love to be so innocent.
I'd love to unknow what I know,
Return to blissful ignorance.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Sometimes your rhymes confuse, confound.
Don't spit your lyrics so profound.
Your meaning maybe no one knows,
But no one can deny it flows.

No instruments, so words your drum.
Now lay that beat, da DUM da DUM!
Though with the treble some relate,
I know you're all about that bass!

It's two times ten, plus one, and done.
Congratulations on your run.
At times your rhymes amaze, astound.
Don't spit your lyrics so profound.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


I'm simply the cleanest, you'll find none that's doper.
I met with a rabbi, and he dubbed me kosher.
Quite poss'bly the freshest that you've ever seen--
With none to compare, I'm so fresh and so clean!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Set places where one's bones should lay;
The pious should not go astray.
But why would locale of one's bones,
Influence where their soul may roam?

Monday, September 5, 2016


A truth, sometimes, more cruel than lie.
I wonder which I should rely.
This one, which one, best to choose:
From black and white, which gray to use?

Friday, September 2, 2016


A diner in Texas serves breakfast all day.
Carolina's are finer, least that's what we say.
A barista in Pisa serves café au lait.
And gorillas in villas scare townsfolk away.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Migrant crisis

They're sending their worst, they're not sending their best.
Rapists and murd'rers at evil's behest.
And some, I suppose, are inherently good,
But the rest of their lot are basest of hoods!

Deport them directly, deport them I say!
Deport them or we may not see 'nother day!
Said one native chief in the breadth of his ken:
The scourge on this land is Columbus' men!